Sunday, May 22, 2016

Latest SEO strategies you should implement

Latest SEO strategies you should implement

SEO is changing and the website owner needs to be aware of these changes

There is little doubt that SEO has changed and that your search engine optimization strategies need to be revised to be in line with the latest demands by the search engines. The infographic below provides a comprehensive list of many of the major issues that you need to be aware of in modern search engine optimization and marketing.
There are a number of central issues that relate to the latest changes in optimizing your site for search engines.  One of these is the place of keywords in a modern SEO strategy. Using single  generic keywords is no longer optimal. Remember that the search engines are looking for the best answer to queries and inquiries that the searcher inputs into the engine. This means that long tail or more descriptive and semantically inclined phrases and content are a much better option for  search engines. See our article on the meaning of semantic search.
  • It is important to research the types of words and phrases your prospective clients use in their searches – you can also glean a great deal about the best keywords to use in your content and titles by researching your competition.
  • Another aspect is the importance of mobile search  and ensuring that your site is as mobile friendly as possible. More and more people are conducting searches via their mobile devices and if your site is not mobile compliant it will in the future very possibly be relegated to a low ranking position.
  • Search engines tend to favour long content that is 1000 words or more. This is an indication of the possible value of the content for the user. If your web pages have only a few lines of content this should be extended and should include keyword and phrases that are effective in terms of the number of searches and relative competition.
  • Ensure that your metatags and meta description are fully optimized to include primary keywords.
  • Link building is still an essential part of SEO. Make sure you do not make use of spammy directory pages and spend time promoting your content on social media. Building up a social media presence is one of the best ways to gain a readership and followers and to create backlinks to your site.
  • Video and other media formats are becoming an important part of of the internet experience and online marketing. Embed relevant videos and include high quality visuals in your content and posts to increase tour visibility.

Discover the Top 6 Most Powerful Latest SEO Strategies 2016 with tips & tools – InfographicTop 6 Most Powerful Latest SEO Strategies 2016 with Tips and Tools infographic.

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