Saturday, May 21, 2016

How To Add Pinterest App Tab To Facebook Business Page

How To Add Pinterest App Tab To Facebook Business Page

Pinterest is by far one of the greatest competitors in the social media race. It lets you post or ‘pin’ photos of your interests such as fashion, designs, DIY crafts, infographic, photography and much more.
Many Internet users around the world use Pinterest to showcase their artistic side, or simply share beautiful things from all over the globe.
In Facebook where social media marketing can gather you more fans than almost any other site, adding an app of one of your other social media accounts could be a great thing to let your folks know that you have another thing to showcase other than your Facebook posts.
By adding a Pinterest App Tab to your page, you can maximize your marketing strategies since a lot of people nowadays love Pinterest as well – they can check your stuff out with just a click of a button.
This article will give you a step-by-step guide on how to set up a Pinterest App Tab to display on your Facebook page. Take a look at this example:

Adding Pinterest tab will not only make your Facebook page attractive, it can also help grow your Pinterest followers and let your "fans" see your boards and pins through your Facebook business page easily. Here's how you do it:
  1. Using your personal account, search for "Tab for Pinterest"

Click "Go to App"

Click "Install Application"

Choose your Facebook page from the dropdown menu, then click "Add Page Tab" button.

Now edit the Administration Panel. Add your Pinterest username and select "User Pins" or "User boards" in the drop down menu to show your Pinterest feed.

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How To Add Pinterest App Tab To Facebook Business Page
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