Sunday, May 22, 2016

Digital marketing

Digital marketing 

Infographic: Is ‘image’ everything in digital marketing?

For some time now we’ve been hearing about how content is king, but how much thought is given to the types of content that reign supreme? Enter the image!
Imagery has always had a powerful hold in the world of marketing, however it’s now central to a successful strategy, particularly in the digital realm.
Demonstrated through the rise and rise of image-based progams and apps such as Pinterest and Instagram, as consumers we have become increasingly familiar with the use of imagery in our day-to-day lives. With mobile devices making photography and design programs accessible to anyone and everyone, it’s the image that often drives ongoing engagement and leaves a lasting impression.
Whether you’re a B2C or B2B business, the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ has never been truer than it is today. Consumers are (as we know) increasingly time poor – clear, targeted communication is paramount to cut through.
B2B businesses also need to recognise the significance of this shift in the consumption of content and adjust their approach to digital marketing accordingly. While wordy reports and copy heavy brochures were once central to demonstrating business credentials, they’re quickly being replaced by content that is concise, visual and highly impactful… especially online.
Infographics in particular have gained momentum as a tactic that allows presentation in a creative and visual manner, without losing the value of the information represented. They are also easily disseminated and appeal to a large audience. As such, the below infographic produced by MDG Advertising, highlights the growing power of imagery in digital marketing:
  • 94% of articles containing images are viewed, compared with those containing just text
  • 77% increase in average online views of press releases accompanied by photos, videos and other media
  • 67% of consumers say the ‘quality of product image’ is very important to them selecting or purchasing the item
Don’t be mistaken, content (in any shape or form) is king – the secret to harnessing its power lies in the ability of the digital marketer to apply it in the correct context and curate it intelligently.
How are you leveraging imagery to convey and/or support your business messages?

Article note: B2B refers to ‘Business to Business’ and B2C refers to ‘Business to Consumer’ 

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