Infographic: Facebook Business Manager (For Beginners)
Gone are the days when businesses and companies alike created dissimilar profiles to manage their Facebook pages. The era of taking turns when using one log-in to access a business page has been finally eradicated when Facebook officially launched the Facebook Business Manager in April 2014.
Facebook Business Manager is a free tool that simplifies a company’s use of Facebook pages for tasks such as accessing, managing, and organizing multiple pages, advertising accounts, and applications. It is a common place in which members can perform tasks simultaneously without having to share log-in information.
There are several instances when you should use Facebook Business Manager: handling multiple business pages and ad accounts, working with an agency or client partner, designating page permissions with different access levels to members, and requesting access to other pages or ad accounts.
With Facebook Business Manager, you can assign access to partners and colleagues without adding them in your personal profile. By adding their email address, you can invite or remove members and supervise their activities per section.
This guide is an easy-to-follow tutorial that teaches you the basics and mechanics of Facebook Business Manager – adding a plus point in your venture as a thriving business owner. Learn how to use Facebook Business Manager through this step-by-step infographic, courtesy of Slidegenius.
Click image to enlarge+.
Just follow these steps and you’ll be done in a jiffy! Wasn’t that easy? Now that you have an idea how Facebook Business Manager works, you can start exploring its features here.
Adjusting to Facebook’s changing features can be puzzling. Just be patient: read and read and read! Going through a pile of online innovations is not only a big accomplishment, but also an advantage for your business.
Adjusting to Facebook’s changing features can be puzzling. Just be patient: read and read and read! Going through a pile of online innovations is not only a big accomplishment, but also an advantage for your business.
Infographic: Facebook Business Manager (For Beginners)
Mohamed Elarby