Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How Emojis Help Marketers Engage With Consumers - infographic

How Emojis Help Marketers Engage With Consumers - infographic

Companies are adapting to the new "digital languages" to carry out their online marketing strategies. Using emoji is growing at a rate such — the annual rate in 2016 is more than 770% — many brands are already talking about "emoji marketing". You want to know why? What are the reasons?

Brands have surrendered to the power of emoji on their online marketing strategies and are already many who speak of these graphic resources as the universal language of the XXI century. The truth is that the use of emoji growing at a frenzied pace, according to a company Appboy, at a rate of annual growth of over 770%.

To carry out this study, Appboy analysed more than 9,000 online marketing campaigns that used emoji in messages and the result is that, with reference to the current 2016, its use is increasing at a rate of 20% every month. 

Why? Basically because its use is linked to a powerful tool in the context of today’s society: the smartphone. Emoji have more room in them, on mobile devices in general and the creative use them more and more often in messages online marketing strategies, primarily Android and somewhat less in iOS. The study reveals that growth in both the operating system of Google and Apple’s was 1.070% and 662% year on year, respectively.

But if these data are outrageous, even more it seems the percentage of use in emails, with growth translates into 7.123% per annum. Above all, the study highlights the incorporation of these graphic resources in the commercial area, peaking on holidays.

Meanwhile, Socialbakers also compared in a study using emoji in online marketing strategies 500 leading brands in social networks for three months in 2014 and 2015. While in the first sample used emoji brands in 45% of their tweets, in 2015 the percentage increased to 59% of the publications in the social network of microblogging. The same study revealed that Facebook also surrenders to use emoji and already 28% of the marks used it in 2014, a figure that would rise to 45% in 2015.

Emoji are increasingly demanded in the realm of marketing for any company that seeks to optimize its advertising business and revenue. Emoji enable marketers to appeal to specific emotions in a way that do not allow other content. They are also short and direct - a perfect combination for mobile advertising.

Brands have resorted to creating original emoji to promote new products, appealing to emotion as key to improving overall customer experience and enhance brand loyalty. It has been shown that this tactic significantly improves the ROI of email marketing campaigns. The emotional content can increase marketing efficiency up to 70%.

Using emoji in mobile marketing messages and e-mail has increased 775% year on year, according to a recent report by Appboy. The marketing automation company analyzed 9,400 mobile marketing campaigns, suggesting that using emoji in Android grew 1,071% and 662% in IOS in the last year.

Using emoji in messages marketing has shown a steady 20% increase every month in 2016. The culprit that has incorporated these icons to our vocabulary is called Shigetaka Kurita. He was inspired by the manga magazines and kanji (symbols and characters used in Japanese writing) in the 1990s when he worked to develop what is considered the first widespread mobile platform and thought of some rudimentary characters.

Reasons to use emoji in online marketing

  1. According to data Statistics, 49% of people who use emoji indicates that help you better express their emotions.
  2. According to a survey of Talk Talk Mobile, 72% of people aged between 18 and 25 years old says it is easier to transmit feelings through emoji.
  3. Some Emoji and have become protagonists of campaigns major companies like Pepsi, McDonalds, Versace and Chanel.
  4. Short and direct, the emoji can reduce messages in online marketing strategies. Unemoji, a coin
  5. According to Professor Vyv Evans, University of Bangor, using emoji is how language has evolved faster in the UK, comparing it even with Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  6. Creating an original emoji significantly improves the ROI of campaigns. The emotional content improves the user experience and enhances loyalty, increasing marketing effectiveness by up to 70%.
  7. Emoji has become the new Internet language. To realize just visit social networks like Twitter or Instagram. Brands have had to learn this language and even some are already talking about 'emoji marketing'.
  8. A picture is worth a thousand words.

How Emojis Help Marketers Engage With Consumers

infographic sourceSignal.
Featured image: shutterstock

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How Emojis Help Marketers Engage With Consumers - infographic
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