Sunday, May 1, 2016

10 Tips and Tricks for B2B Professionals to Maximize Their LinkedIn Presence

10 Tips and Tricks for B2B Professionals to Maximize Their LinkedIn Presence

A decade ago professionals and businesses couldn’t use LinkedIn to make connections and close deals globally. In todays business world they are opening doors that were not once possible. Are you set up on LinkedIn to enter those doors?
So maybe you’ve created your LinkedIn account, added a picture and maybe even completed a few sections on your profile — and you thought that was enough to start making meaningful connections and growing business leads.
Sorry, you couldn’t be more wrong! There’s more work to do if you truly want to maximize your presence on LinkedIn.
Don’t be overwhelmed — it’s possible to start dominating on LinkedIn if you follow a simple process. That’s where our graphic below can help by walking you through each step to maximizing your LinkedIn profile. More detailed information is also available by downloading our ebook, I’m On LinkedIn, So Now What?
Start off by connecting with Digital Giants on LinkedIn and then get started with the process below….

Infographic: 10 Tips and Tricks for B2B Professionals to Maximize Their LinkedIn Presence


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10 Tips and Tricks for B2B Professionals to Maximize Their LinkedIn Presence
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